This was Mother's Day this year. We spent the day with my parents, and my dad took Abby for a very fun 'horseback' ride. They had a such great time together. My dad is remarkable. He has successfully built many companies, and is incredibly knowledgeable, especially when it comes to business. He is currently the CFO of a successful internet search company, and travels the world frequently on business. He and Abby don't get to spend quality time together very often, so this was a very special day to both of them. Every time I see the pictures it just warms my heart. Abby sure loves her Grandpa!
This was when we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park when Stryder was just 6 months old. He spent most of the day cranky and bored, but then, while peering into the monkey cage, something amazing happened: The monkey came right up to us, and Stryder suddenly realized that the cages had animals in them!! He was so excited, and the rest of the trip he was laughing and crawling out of my arms to get a better view!
This was Easter with my family. My mom is on the far left, then my Aunt, Abby, Stryder, and I. My dad took the photo, and Tom is in the reflection in the window. This photo makes me think of how much I love my family. My mom, especially, never ceases to amaze me. Not only is she the hardest worker I have ever met, she survived breast cancer TWICE, and she just ran her 1st Marathon a few weeks ago. Amazing. In this photo her hair is just growing out from her Chemotherapy.
This was a trip to the Zoo we took with Abby's cousins last year. The kids had such a blast exploring. I was lucky enough to catch this shot in the Walrus exhibit.
This was Abby right after we moved into our house. Up until just a few weeks before this photo was taken, I was working so she was with a babysitter during the daytime. This photo is precious to me because it was taken during the first few days I was a Stay-At-Home Mom! I had always worked outside the home and I hated leaving Abby every day. I took this photo while 6 months pregnant, playing with my baby girl in the front yard, and just happy as I could be to be sharing these long-time coveted moments with her.
This was not too long ago, but it still makes me giggle. This picture epitomizes Abby and Stryder's relationship. She is always singing a song to calm him down while she subjects him to all sorts of atrocities. He is surprisingly patient, but after a while he gets a concerned look on his face and calls for me (as he has just begun to do in the photo).
Although Abby may take full advantage of the fact that she is larger, she still adores her little brother. She really is like a little 'mommy.' She leads him by the hand around the house singing to him and showing him interesting things she has discovered. She includes him in her fantasy play ("Hey 'Boots,' let's go on an adventure!!"), and she always warns me when, "...Stryder is doing a bad thing!" Here is one of those moments that I want to keep in my heart forever.
While I was working, there was nothing I wanted more than to take Abby to the Library, or to the park to feed the ducks, and to watch the delight on her face. Now that I am with them every day, I tend to get caught up in all the work I have to do and I forget about the fun we could be having together and how important it is. I need to stop taking time with my children for granted.
Here is my new commitment: From now on, I am doing something for them every day. Whether it be a trip to the local museum or even a walk in the park- SOMETHING FOR THEM EVERY DAY. I was lucky enough to receive the gift of time with them, and I need to take full advantage of it. Children are a precious gift, and they grow up way too fast.
Here's to the moments.

1 comment:
Krista, this is a beautiful post! Not only are the pictures amazing but so is the story of motherhood. Thank you for sharing this sweet post.
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